Final 8 images.
Night exposure
This is my final picture for night exposure. I decided to chose this one as I like how you can see the white and red lines clearly as they go up the road. Whilst taking these pictures experimented with changing the shutter speed so in my contact sheet I have long lines and quite short ones from where I had been changing the shutter speed. To take this picture I had the camera balanced on the rails as you can see to the right of the picture. As it was quite late out not many cars was going up this road I would of liked more red and white lines in the picture but then I didn't want in to look too messy with all the lights. I like how you can see the line of light going all the way up the picture. For this picture I used an editing app on my phone called 'fotor'. while editing it I started off by enhancing the picture and then darkening the picture. After that I changed the brightness and contrast to make the picture darker to make the lights stand out more. I sharpened the picture too. I enhanced the red in he picture to make it stand out more and make it more noticeable as before it was a faint line as you can see from my contact sheet.
If I was to take this picture I would definitely take a tripod as its quite hard finding something for the camera to place on where its steady and wont get knocked of moved which happened quite a lot in the pictures as you can see with the contact sheet. For this picture I like how you can see shadows of the lights on the road I think it adds to the picture.
This is one of my HDR pictures this picture is of some posters piled on top of each other by he custard factory the posters are ripped and covered in graffiti which I like as theres a nice variety of colours and different tones. I found this graffiti stuck all over some cabinet left on the side of the road
for this picture I zoomed into the graffiti as I didn't want to get the cabinet in the photo as I feel it would of looked too messy. I took this picture as I thought it looked colourful and interesting reading everything everyone had stuck on it. I like how everything is piled and written on top of everything nothing is placed neatly or in order.
The focal point for this picture would be the star in the middle of the picture slightly to the left as when I look at the picture my eyes go directly to that.
I took these pictures on a canon EOS 650D when taking the picture the settings on the camera where all changed so when I was trying to change the aperture it just wasn't turning out right so instead I changed the ISO as well as the aperture for the 3 pictures I took and it worked out better.
For the first picture to get it under exposed I had the ISO on 100, Shutter speed at 1/30 and aperture at f/25 for the second picture to have it at a normal exposure I took it with the ISO at 800 the shutter speed at 1/30 and the aperture at f/2.5 and then for the last picture I had the ISO at 12800 for a high exposure the shutter speed at 1/30 and the aperture at f/14 which turned out right. The focal length for all these pictures were 27mm.
To get the picture like this opened it up in photomatix and opened all 3 of my picture up. Once all three pictures opened they all opened as one which for some of my photos there was some blur from where I have slightly changed position from changing the ISO and aperture so them pictures didn't make it into my final 4 HRD pictures. After that I had a selection of different effects to choose from for the photo I cant remember what effect I put on the picture but I used this effect on the photo as it really brought out the colours they look brighter and more in your face then they was when there was no effect on the picture. After that I clicked proceed and it then gave me the option to change the contrast and other things like that but with the effect that I had put on the picture I liked it the way it was so instead I clicked file and save as and I saved the picture.
This is my second HDR picture. I took this picture from outside of a pub I think it was the picture is of a light. I wanted to take a picture of the light as I thought it looked night and looked quite old which caught my eye. I took the photo from a slight angle and looking up towards it I took this picture at this angle as I like how you can clearly see all the other side to the light well the writing on the glass which goes all the way round showing it is 3d.
With the wall being white I think it brings the light more forward and stand out more than it would against a dark or bright coloured background. I think the picture could of been more clear but that's one of the problems with doing HDR. I think it would of worked out better if I had taken a tripod just so all the 3 pictures would most definitely been in the exact position.
I used the exact same ISO, shutter speed and aperture for every picture so for the first picture to get it under exposed I had the ISO on 100, Shutter speed at 1/30 and aperture at f/25 for the second picture to have it at a normal exposure I took it with the ISO at 800 the shutter speed at 1/30 and the aperture at f/2.5 and then for the last picture I had the ISO at 12800 for a high exposure the shutter speed at 1/30 and the aperture at f/14 which turned out right. The focal length for all these pictures were 27mm.
To get the picture like this I opened up photomatix and opened all 3 of my picture up. Once all three pictures opened they all opened as one. From this picture you can see where I slightly changed position and theres a faint part of the wood goes over the light but over all the focal point of the picture is the light which you can clearly see and I didn't want the picture to look perfect it clearly shows I experimented and it didn't work out as well as some of my other HRD pictures.
Then once again I chose an effect for it which I thought looked nice. The effect I chose really brought out the chips and discolouring on the metal part of the light which you can see from the picture. After this I clicked proceed and then changed the contrast to make it a tad darker to make certain things stand out more like the frame of the light. Once that was done I saved the picture as I was happy with it.
Here is another HRD picture of mine. This picture is of some shingles it looks like which are broken up into big and smaller bits. I found this on the pathway right against the wall opposite south an city college. For this picture there is no blur as it was the last photo I had taken so I was kind of use to holding the camera still whilst changing the aperture an the ISO. I decided to take this picture as I liked the colour of shingles on the floor and I like how they started off in big broken pieces and then got smaller as they went along. I also liked the pattern on the bricks on the wall and it shows of the different textures. You can see some shadows on some of the shingles especially on the left hand side with the second shingle you can see the shadow made by the shingle on top of it. I think this is one of the better HDR pictures I have taken.
Once again I used the exact same ISO, shutter speed and aperture for every picture so for the first picture to get it under exposed I had the ISO on 100, Shutter speed at 1/30 and aperture at f/25 for the second picture to have it at a normal exposure I took it with the ISO at 800 the shutter speed at 1/30 and the aperture at f/2.5 and then for the last picture I had the ISO at 12800 for a high exposure the shutter speed at 1/30 and the aperture at f/14 which turned out right. The focal length for all these pictures were 27mm.
To do this HDR I opened up photoshop and opened all 3 of my picture up. Once all three pictures opened they all opened as one. I then picked my effect for the picture which once again I cant remember which one. But the effect I picked had like a blue tint to it which is why its quite blue and purple looking. I used this effect as I thought it brought the pink and orange out on the shingles. I think it brings out more detail on the shingles like you can see its different shades of colours on some of the broken pieces you can see blue, purple, orange and pink which I like. After this I clicked on proceed and changed the contrast and made it darker to bring out the shapes of the shingles and the bricks i thought it made the colours a lot more deeper and you can see some shadows. I then saved the picture as I liked it the way it was.
This is a HDR picture I had taken a while back when first experimenting doing HDR. I decided to have this picture as one of my final pictures as for my first time doing HDR I did like it and I thought it turned out pretty well. Instead of doing this on photoshop like last time I went on photomatix like all of my other HDR pictures. I decided to do it on this photoshop rather than the other one as I used an effect and put on it as I wanted to improve it more and make it look better which I think I did using this photoshop. For this picture I did only have 2 photos instead of the 3 but it till worked out pretty well I though. I had an over exposed picture and I had a normal exposed picture.
The green on the building Is so bright compared to the other photo I done it stands out even more and is just more noticeable. The sky looks more greyer and darker which I like it looks like its going to rain in the picture. The roof of the building is so dark compared to the rest of the picture when i look at the picture I look directly at the roof because its that dark. In the first picture of this the roof was just so dark you couldn't really see anything where as this one has turned out even better. The focal point of the picture would be the roof for me I feel like its nice and dark and the green just makes you look at it.
For this picture opened the 2 up in photoshop and put an effect on it which I cant remember which one, But this effect brought out the green even more and darkened the picture up too. I was then happy with this effect so I moved on and proceeded which I then changed the contrast to make it that tad more darker to bring out more detail I the building and to make the green stand out more.
I like this picture as you can see the moss on the building where it has gone green but it also looks really old which I like. The picture is of the top of a building in the city centre. I like how the building looks abandoned and with the weather being crappy and dark and gloomy it makes the picture look that tad creepy which I like.
Double exposure
This is my final picture for double exposure. I have done this before as you can see in my sketchbook but it didn't turn out the way that I wanted it to so I done the picture again. For this picture I decided to have a side on view of someone rather than having a statue. I did try putting flowers inside the of the figure but I didn't work as well as the building so I decided to carry on with doing the building instead of the flowers. For this I decided to not fade out Brittany's face completely as I wanted to see her and the building too so when you look at it you look a both the whole figure of the person and then the building. To do this photo I opened up photoshop and I opened both of the pictures in photoshop. I changed the brightness in the picture of Brittany as it was quite dark so I brightened the picture a bit and then with a bit of help I created a new layer and dragged the photo of Brittany on top of the building and faded and blended the pictures together until I liked it. I then cropped the picture and used the erase tool so I would just get the figure of Brittany and got rid of all the unnecessary parts from around her. Then from looking at my picture In the research the picture with the building and the person but at the top of the picture it was the top of the building rather than her round head so I though id try that out and liked how it looked so I left it. I got rid of the top of Brittany's head so it would just be the top of the building.
I like this picture as I think it works well together but if I was to do this again I would tell Brittany to have her hair down as I think with it being In a pony it looks quite stupid I would rather it was down and straight but over al I do like the end result. I found the photo shopping quite hard to do so I definitely wont be doing it again any time soon.
Hand Colouring
This is my final picture for hand colouring. This picture was taken in the centre and is a display with poppy's and an airplane so im guessing its a war display or a tribute.
I think the red really brings the poppy's forward. When I look at the picture it kind of reminds me of an old looking picture or a painting which I like.
To do hand colouring I went into photoshop and opened the picture up I then clicked to duplicate the image then clicked on the duplicate layer so all my work would be done on the layer instead of the original. I then went to image- adjustments- hue and saturation- change saturation- layer mask. I then went to the paint brush tool and painted into the layered mask. The black box was for the colour and the white box was for black and white. While doing this I had to zoom into the picture to make sure I brought back the colour in just the poppy's and the plane which was quite hard as theres plants that go over the poppy's so some green parts may be showing a tad but they aren't really noticeable as the red stand out more. After using the college photoshop I used my own editing app called 'fotor' just to improve the picture even more I started off by putting an effect on it called theatre which brightened up the building in the back darkened the plants and made the red even brighter to stand out more then I enhanced the picture. After that I darkened the picture a tad more using contrast just to make the detail in the building darker and stand out more than looking over exposed from the effect that I had put on.
I decided to take this picture and to use it as it has poppy's in it which is a powerful symbol as its worn to commemorate the sacrifices of our armed forces and to show support to those serving today and their loved ones plus my dad served in the army for many years so when I saw this I just had to take a picture and hand colouring was the perfect time to use it and just have the most important things in colour which would be the poppy's and the plane. I do like this picture I think its my favourite from all my final pictures.
This is my picture for abstract photography. The picture was taken on a canon EOS 700D. The ISO for this picture was 800, the exposure 1/100 and the f-stop- f/5.
This picture was taken in the back of my garden I think its a part of the lawn mower im not quite sure. I thought this would be something good to take a picture of because you wouldn't expect it to be a lawn mower part looking at it you'd think it was a bench or something else.
I took quite a few shots like this trying to make sure I got it right as I wanted to take a picture of something with both pattern and shape which it has. I picked this picture over the other ones I had taken because I didn't like the pavement and grass showing in the other pictures background I just wanted the circles and nothing else in the picture. I new if I cropped the unnecessary parts out and just have the circles the picture just wouldn't look the same so I decided to pick this picture which I like as much as the other photos I had taken.
When looking at this picture it makes you think that the circles are continues and go on and on like its never ending. I like how the picture is grey and black its simple and doesn't hurt your eyes where as if it was colourful your eyes would be all over the place. When looking to the right of the pictures the circles look 2d where as looking to the front left of the picture you can see the circles are 3d and actually look like holes which they are. Through the holes theres nothing but blackness so you cant see what's past the holes which I like.
I decided to pick this picture over the other ones I had taken which you can see in my contact sheet because I liked how it starts of completely in focus on the left and then as it moves to the right it goes more and more out f focus which I liked.
For this picture I didn't use photoshop as everything I was doing on it I just didn't like. It just never looked better it just looked worse so I decided to keep the picture the same.
The focal point of the picture would be the part of the picture which is clear and in focus my eyes go straight to that part of the picture and then I look at the rest of the picture.
I had fun taking abstract photos and using depth of field as I think the two just work well together.