For my Location I have chosen to do Christmas and lights and base my pictures in and around the city centre.
This picture was taken at the German market in the city centre. This picture was taken of one of the huts in the German market. The picture is of some silver bells with glitter on them. Surrounding the bells are yellow/gold lights and green fake tinsel. On the bottom of the bells are tiny snowflakes that you can just about see. I like this picture because the background of the photo is out of focus so the focal point is on the bells. I didn't use photoshop on this picture because I liked it how it was however if I was to take it again I would try from different angles and a little higher up to get a closer picture so you can see more of the detail on the bells.

I took this picture at the German market in the city centre. The picture is of some of the items that were on sale. In the picture are Christmas trees, snowflakes, snowmen, candles, action-figure men, an angle and other items. I like this picture because it is eye catching with all the beautiful items that are on display and I like how they have a bit of everything on there to do with Christmas. For this picture I don't think there will be a focal point as you just look everywhere as the picture is full of nice items. I haven't used photoshop on this picture because I thought it would ruin the picture a bit if I was to take this picture again I would take more close up pictures so you can see more detail on the items.

I took this picture at the German markets in the city centre. This picture is of necklaces and little charms to hang on stuff. The charms can be use to hang on your Christmas tree. In the picture is wind charms and different coloured rocks and lights in the background. I took this picture because I liked the shiny effect on the dangling charms and how the background was black which makes the charms stand out more. The focal point of the picture would be the women's head because it looks like its floating and the charms surrounding her.

This picture was taken in the city centre at the German market. The picture is of a sweet hut theres three people inside of it working and there are gingerbread Santa's, houses and bears with Christmas trees there are loads of other sweets hanging around the hut and in pots around the hut. I like this picture because all of the nice sweets caught my eye and it smelt nice. Everyone likes sweets especially around Christmas time where there are loads of Christmas sweets on sale. The focal point of this picture would be the workers as the bright yellow colour of their work clothes catches your eye straight away and then the sweets catch my eye with all of the nice Christmas decorations on the cookies. If I was to take this picture again I would try going a little higher and trying to get the right exposure as the top of the picture is quite dark where as the rest of the picture is quite light. I would try getting different angles as well and try to capture more in the picture. I haven't used photoshop in this picture because I didn't want to change it.

This picture was taken at the German markets in the city centre. In this picture are 3 ball balls a red one, green and a glittery green ball ball. Surrounding the baubles is green tinsel which goes all around the hut with lights wrapped round with the tinsel. The lights are circle with an orangey yellow colour to them. The background of the picture is out of focus which makes the bottom half of the picture stand out more. The focal point of the picture would be the baubles and then the lights catch my eyes. I like this picture because it looks so Christmassy and I like how the lights are circular and they look like they aren't in focus. I haven't used photoshop as I love the picture the way it is and I wouldn't change a thing about it. If I was to take the picture again I would try from different angles and try getting a side view so you can see the rest of the lights and baubles on the one side of the hut.

This picture was taken at the German markets in the city centre. The picture is of decorations on top of one of the huts. The decorations are 3 presents which are red with green ribbon on with bows on the top. There are lights going around the whole of the hut with ribbons, baubles and fake green tinsel. I took this picture because I am basing my assignment on lights and Christmas and this picture has both of them together lights and Christmas decorations and it has a nice Christmassy look to it. I like this picture because I think the lights around the hut brings the whole picture together as you can see the lights reflection on the wood and the green fake tinsel is more of a lighter green around the lights.
My next lot of pictures were taken at the Christmas parade.
This picture was taken at the Christmas parade in the city centre. The picture is of a merry go round which I took because I have a merry go round picture in my sketchbook which influenced me to try and take one and see what my final result would look like. I like the picture because all the lights were on and it was starting to get dark and it just stood out and caught my eye. The picture was hard to take as I took it on my phone so it isn't the best quality and people were constantly walking past as it was a busy night. If I was to take this picture again I would use a canon camera and a tripod to get a nice straight picture and I would find a less packed area to take the picture. I haven't used photoshop as I feel like there isn't much I could do to change the picture and make it look better than I all ready is. If I was to take this picture again I would change the shutter speed so the lens is open for longer and so you can see the merry go round going round.

I took this picture in the city centre at the Christmas parade. The picture is of 2 reindeers one lying down on some hay and the other drinking. I took this picture because reindeers play a big part in Christmas as its told in stories and films that reindeers fly the sleigh for Santa as he deliver's presents around the world. The names of the famous reindeers would be Dasher, Dancer, Prancer, Vixen, Comet, Cupid, Donner, and Blitzen. and of course Rudolph the red nosed reindeer. I think the picture would of been better if the other reindeer was stood up as it looks tired but I like the picture as it shows what reindeers do in day to day life. I took this picture on my phone which is why the quality isn't the best if I was to take this again I would use a canon camera and maybe a tripod and get close ups of the reindeers and try getting pictures at different angles. I like this picture because I've never been as close to reindeers and I love reindeers. The focal point of this picture would be the reindeers as there isn't much else happening in the picture. I have pictures of reindeers in my sketch book which made me want to take pictures of reindeers.
The pictures below were taken in my house.
The picture above was taken in my house it is off Christmas presents. I took this picture because presents are another big part in Christmas as everyone is excited about unwrapping their presents to see what they have got. I took loads of pictures of the Christmas presents but chose this one as I like how the silver wrapped present with snowflakes on it stands out more than the other presents and its more in focus compared to the other presents. I think the focal point of this picture would be the silver present as the silver just overpowers the other colours and stand out as its the closest thing to the camera.
Yet again this picture has been taken in my house except its of my Christmas tree with a candy cane on it. This picture has a red a white candy cane on it which is hooked and hanging of the Christmas tree. The Christmas tree is a fake one and it has fake snow on it. I like this picture as theres parts that are in focus more than other parts. The Christmas tree has greeny blue , silver and pinky purple tincle over it. The focal point of this picture would be either candy cane or the part of the tree which is in focus which would be the part of the tree of the right side. I found out the the meaning of the candy cane which is many years ago a candy maker wanted to make a candy that would symbolize the true meaning of Christmas - Jesus. The hard candy was shaped like a 'J' to represent that Jesus is our rock of all ages. The candy was made white to stand for the pureness of Jesus. The red represents the blood that Jesus shed to save us from our sins.
In the pictures below I have been playing around with the shutter speed

This picture was taken from my living room. It is of my Christmas tree. For this picture I changed the shutter speed I cant remember what I changed it to but after I changed the speed I zoomed in and out while taking the picture which is how I got the affect. I like this picture because it looks like the light is coming right out at you. I took loads of pictures like this trying to get the picture the way I wanted it to. I like that you can still see the tree behind all the lights that are coming out. For this picture there is no focal point it would be the whole picture as everything just stands out and its all the same. On an extra page that I added into my sketch book on page 11 there are two pictures like the one I have taken and im happy with how my picture has turned out. I think if I was to do this again I would take the picture when the background is much darker to make the lights stand out more. This picture reminds me of Michael Bosanko as he does a lot of light painting and there are similar pictures.

This is another picture of the Christmas tree. You can see the Christmas presents under the tree. I decided to take this picture of the bottom half of the tree and from the side of the tree rather then taking the picture from the front of the tree. There are blue and white lights. Like the other picture I changed the shutter speed and took the picture while zooming in and out. I like this picture because all the lights that come out are all different lengths and go all different directions and you can still see the Christmas tree behind all the lights. The focal point of this picture would be the centre of the image because that's where most of the lights are coming out straight at you.

This picture is of my Christmas tree. For this picture I made it out of focus because I liked how all you can see are the big balls of blue and white lights. I like how with the lights like that it makes out the shape of a Christmas tree. The focal point of this picture would be the balls of lights as it stands out as everything else is blurred and dark. When looking at my sketchbook on page 11 there was a similar picture to this where the lights are blurry which influenced me to take a picture like this and I like how mine has turned out.

This picture is of the bottom half of my Christmas tree. I decided to take this picture after looking through my sketch book on page 11 where there were similar pictures that I had found where the lights were in focus at the front and out of focus at the back which influenced me to take a picture like this. The picture is of Christmas lights blue and white ones. I like this picture because you can see the tree branches as well as the lights. The focal point of this picture would be the lights to the left side of the picture because they are clear and stand out more than the ones at the back on the right side.